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Ne apropiem de sfarsitul periplului indian. Subiectul de astazi este aproape unul european. Suntem inca in India, dar intr-un peisaj aproape helvetic si o personalitate aproape similara lui Lorenzo de’ Medici (il Magnifico). Kangra este un oraş în statul indian Himachal Pradesh. Istoric, a fost cunoscut sub numele de Nagarko. Peisajele din acest stat arata ca o copie alpina, transferata in regiunea muntoasa a sub-Himalaiei.

Eng. Kangra is a city and a municipal council in Kangra district in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. Historically it was known as Nagarko. Kangra painting is the pictorial art of Kangra, named after Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, a former princely state, which patronized the art.

Picturile Kangara, cum sugerează şi numele, au fost picturi executate in regiunile deluroase a sub-masivului Himalaian din India, în regiunea Himachal Pradesh. Pictura Kangara este dezvoltarea şi modificarea de picturi Pahari si introducerea unor caracteristici specifice. Aceasta pictura si-a gasit apogeul sub patronajul Maharajahului Sansar Chand (1765-1823), devenind cel mai important centru de pictura Pahari.

Eng. Kangara paintings, as the name suggests, were paintings executed in the hilly regions of India, in the sub-Himalayan state of Himachal Pradesh. It is in the development and modification of Pahari paintings, that the Kangra School features. Under the patronage of Maharaja Sansar Chand (1765-1823), it became the most important center of Pahari painting. Being a liberal patron, the painters working at his atelier received large commissions while others accepted a permanent settlement in the form of lands. Maharaja Sansar Chand was an ardent devotee of Krishna and used to commission artists to paint subjects based on the loves and life of Krishna.

Sansar Chand (.1765-1823) a fost un Maharajah renumit al statului de Kangra, parte din ceea ce este acum statul indian Himachal Pradesh. El este amintit ca un mare patron al artelor şi imitator al picturii Kangra. Fiind un patron liberal, pictorii care lucrau in atelierul său primeau comenzi mari si banoase. Alti pictori au acceptat un contract permanent în formă de terenuri si locuinte. Maharajahul Sansar Chand a fost un adept înflăcărat al lui Krishna şi o mare parte a comenzilor lui au fost subiecte bazate pe iubirile şi viaţa lui Krishna.

Eng. The focal theme of Kangra painting is Shringar (the erotic sentiment). The subjects seen in Kangra painting exhibit the taste and the traits of the life style of the society of that period. Bhakti cult was the driving force and the love story of Radha and Krishna was the main source of spiritual experience, which was also the base for the visual expression. Bhagavata Purana and the love poems Gita Govinda by Jayadeva were the most popular subjects dealing with the legends and the amorous plays of Radha and Krishna symbolising soul’s devotion to God. In some miniatures, the blue-god Krishna is seen dancing in the lush woodlands and every maiden’s eye are drawn to him. Krishna subjects, known commonly as Krishna-lila predominate, while the themes of love, inspired by the nayaks and nayikas and baramasa enjoyed great favour. The sentiment of love remained the inspiration and the central theme of Pahari painting.

Temă centrală a picturii Kangra este Shringar (sentimentul erotic). Subiecţii in pictura Kangra prezintă gustul şi trăsăturile stilului de viaţă al societăţii de această perioadă. Bhakti cult şi povestea de dragoste a Radha şi Krishna a fost principala sursă de experienţă spirituală, care a fost de asemenea baza pentru exprimare vizuala. Bhagavata Purana şi poetica iubirii Gita Govinda scrise de  Jayadeva au fost cele mai populare subiecte care se ocupă cu legendele amorurilor  cuplului Radha şi Krishna. În unele miniaturi, Krishna, zeul-albastru, este văzut dansând în pădurile luxuriante, atragand toate fetele care ii ieseau in cale. Sentimentul de dragoste a rămas sursa de inspiraţie şi tema centrală a picturii Pahari, reprodusa in apogeul Kangra.

Bibliografie, note si citate:

Kangra Painting, by William George Archer. Published by Faber and Faber, 1956.
Centres of Pahari Painting, by Chandramani Singh. Abhinav Publications, 1982..
Kangra Paintings on Love, by M S Randhawa. Publications Division. 1994
Britannica – Kangra  painting
WikiCommon (Eng.)